Wednesday, December 31, 2014

2015. My Year.

Just a few short hours from the New Year, and folks, 2015 is going to be my year!
This is the year I will attempt something pretty extraordinary.
This year I will leave the "real world" far behind.
This year I will shed my old life and trade it for something new and exciting.
Three short months until that cataclysmic change.

Four months till PCT!

Lately I have been feeling like the days are slipping away from me, sliding as easily through my fingertips as grains of sand.
How is it that the days, weeks, months are whizzing by, but every minute passes SO slow!
Every minute of every day that I am not asleep, the future is on my mind. I'm so close, but so far! Life is boring here in civilization. Sooooooooooooo booooooooooorrrriinnnnnnnggggggg. Insert distressed emoticon here.
Bring on the adventure!!!

Here's what's happening right now in trail prep world:
- GOT MY GUIDEBOOK! Two days ago. Already 150 pages in.
- Trail schedule is coming along. Right now the estimated start date is April 23, 2015, giving me enough time to reach Lake Morena for the Annual Day Zero Kick Off event. I'll post the full schedule once I have it tacked down.
- New gear! Solar panel to charge my phone, food dehydrator to prep meals for the trail, LifeStraw water filter, Black Diamond headlamp, Smartwool base layers, compass, trekking poles, etc!
- Researching sleeping bags. I'm upgrading my crappy 2 year old synthetic fill bag to a high quality, high loft down bag, but there's so many choices!
- TRAINING TIME! Joined a gym next to the shop I work at to get in some muscular conditioning over the next 3 months before I go. Gotta get in shape for those 20 mile days!
- Perpetually growing excitement.

Friday, December 5, 2014

Questions I Have Been Asking Myself

All this is slightly delayed. I've actually been planning this hike for a few months now. Then, it was just an idea; something I thought I'd like to do. It's only recently become a reality.

So now I'm getting down into the thick of really planning this thing, and I'm starting to ask myself some hard questions. Questions like:

Why the heck am I doing this?

It's not really all that funny how many people look at you like you belong in a mental ward when you tell them you're going to walk a vertical cross section of the country. Their bug-eyed, gnarly-browed grimaces are unpleasant to look at, not to mention disheartening, but you can't really blame them. Five to six months of walking...upwards of 2,600 out of a backpack...sleeping on the ground...going weeks between towns...going days without seeing another person...none of these things are really within the imaginable realm. The hardest part is admitting to yourself that you can't even really imagine it, even though you desperately want it, for some sick reason.

Why the HECK am I doing this?

The answer isn't simple, but I usually sum it up with a simple: "I have no idea."
The long version consists of lots of little reasons:
- I just graduated college and "careers" scare me.
- I feel limited as a woman in society and want to stick it to these misogynistic fools.
- I want to challenge myself and test the limits of my own strength.
- I want to learn something.
- I want to shed my cushy, monotonous life for a while.
- I want a change of scenery.
- I want to take advantage of the freedom my early twenties has allotted me.
- I want to "find myself".
- I'm bored.
- I'm restless.
- I like to hike.
- I've got nothing better to do.
- I'm insane.

What it really comes down to is some sort of primal instinct that I can't quite define. It seems to encompass all of the above and then some. It's a calling.

I'm a 22 year old woman, college graduate, with new-found freedom, high ideals, and a lack of purpose, and I'm going to go do something crazy. I'm going to let the Trail help me figure out exactly what it is that I want out of this life.

"Nowhere to go but everywhere"

Thursday, December 4, 2014

A Decision

"One day I will find the right words, and they will be simple." - Jack Kerouac

I am going to hike the Pacific Crest Trail.
Because it's there.

Feet to trail April 23, 2015.

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Happy Trails! Part Two

Day two of my Graduation Celebration on the Appalachian Trail began with sunrise on Rhododendron Gap. One of the best mornings of my entire life. Nature is glorious by well...nature, and I've seen many a glorious sunrise in my life, but the clarity of my ecstasy at that sunrise was insurmountable. We were really out there in it, man.

Virginia is altogether too beautiful of a place. The sun rose over a lake of clouds. We ate a hearty breakfast of oatmeal and dried fruit while we sat on the grass, taking in the grand splendor of it all. The early birds chimed in to announce the daybreak, chirping and rustling around in the rhododendron groves surrounding our mountain pasture. Ponies were whinnying over the hill. Ducky made herself a hot cup of joe, and then we walked back up to our camp to start breaking it down.

Pardon my French, but our campsite was kick ass. Hidden back in the conifers, overlooking the valley, soft, grassy, green, gorgeous. It was crisp, chilly, an absolutely perfect spring morning. We didn't want to leave. But the trail was calling.

So we got back to it.

We were both low on water again. Our last fill had been at the creek down below the last ridge the day before, so our goal was to make it to our next water source as efficiently as possible. Fortunately, we were pretty sure it was only about a mile away at Thomas Knob Shelter. We were right. One thing that kind of rocks about the AT is that a fair amount of the water sources are man-made spouts that come out sparkling clear and are really easy for fill up, i.e. they don't require a water pump to get it into the bottle.

This particular water spout was down the hill from the shelter, and on the side of Mt. Rogers itself, so not only did we have fresh, crystal-clear mountain water to drink, we also had the view.

With a fresh liter of cold water in our bellies, and two full liters in our packs, we headed off again, with a new-found spring in our step. We had just locked into a solid pace, when we hit a road block.

PONIES. A whole herd of them! They were blocking the trail! So we went ahead and made friends.

Even little babies! So adorable!

This guy really wanted a snack. We didn't have any, so he settled for my bootlaces instead.

We hiked on for a while longer after we left the pony herd. We started descending into a forest after a while, and around 9:30 AM, we came upon another gorgeous mountain pasture. We'd been up for about 3 hours at this point, so we decided to stop, rehydrate, and eat again.

Peeling an orange on a boulder.

It's funny how ravenous you become on the trail. You are never truly satiated. With the amount of calories you burn walking all day long like that, it's no wonder, but the problem is you are limited to only the food you can carry on your back, which sadly is not much. But you make do. And we did.
Up on that rock, as I was scanning the horizon, I glimpsed a black rump retreating over the far hill. Bear or pony, I thought. I hoped for pony, but I was prepared for bear. Black bears are very common in Appalachia. Fortunately for us hikers, they are extremely skittish of humans here in the east. The main instance where bear attacks occur (other than intentional human provocation, known in layman's terms as "stupidity") is when a mother bear perceives a threat to her cubs. We decided the best course of action to prevent an interaction with a bear was to proceed along the trail with caution and to make noise to alert the bears to our presence.

The trail got real pretty as we descended. No signs of bears, but a big increase in foliage. The ground become lush and green, and the trees started to show flower buds. The air got warmer, more moist (though that may have been due to the heat of the day coming on). Ducky forged on ahead, like a champ. I hung back mostly, enjoyed the scenery and tended to a budding blister on my toe. It was shortly after noon when I saw a break in the forest up ahead. I came out from under the tree cover, and walked out onto a gorgeous grassy hill where Ducky was waiting for me at the top.

Below the hill was our first major road crossing of the hike. There was a parking area, a bathroom, and a small hut with a map posted under it. We descended the hill and joined a powwow of 3 thru-hikers enjoying the cool shade and a good solid lunch. We got to chatting with the guys, all of whom walked from Springer Mountain in Georgia and had just hit their 500 mile mark. One guy was waiting for a ride, he was hopping off the trail for a few weeks to get home for his sister's graduation. We finished off our food, helped our new friend flag down a car, and then bid our north-bound friends adieu as we turned our boots southward.

We ducked back under the trees on the other side of the lot and immediately were greeted by a steep climb. It was very hot at this point, midday. We were running low on water again, and getting thirsty, Ducky especially. The tree cover helped reduce the heat somewhat, but the humidity was rising down in the dip between ridges. Our next water source was about 2 miles away, so we had to walk another 45-60 minutes uphill to get there.

Once again, Ducky pressed on ahead. My friend Ducky is one tough lady, a real bad ass. God love her, she was the best hiking buddy I could possibly have asked for on my first long distance trip. She got me through the tough miles. I dawdled behind, taking breaks in the shade, pacing myself, knowing that Ducky was blazing the trail, scouting ahead, hunting down that water source with conviction.

This was one of the tougher stretches of the entire trip, to put it lightly. But we came out on top of the ridge at long last! It was gorgeous, and sunny, and the water spout was just ahead!

We drank two bottles each and ate again. The sun was hot and bearing down on us. Shade was not available. We layered on some extra sunscreen and put on our hats. After we had rested and refilled our bottles again, we headed on again. A few minutes later, we climbed a miniature hill to our final beautiful bald at Buzzard Rock on the side of Whitetop Mountain.

Then we began the real descent, the long steady descent back into Damascus. Don't get me wrong, we weren't close to the mark. We still had at least 15 miles to go til we would finally reach town, and by this point we were closing in on 4 PM. Our goal was to make it to just past Creek Junction, where the Appalachian Trail meets the Virginia Creeper Trail about 10 miles from Damascus. Wilson Creek also intersects that spot, so we planned to camp there next to a solid water source. But we had a ways to go. The next two miles were going to be sharply downhill. We paused to take a picture of a nice older couple on a day hike, and they took our picture in return.

So down we went, into the valley. The best part about coming back down from the zenith of the trail on the ridgeline was getting to pass through the arbor of rhododendron that awaited us down below.

We hiked for what felt like ages through the forest. The setting sun filtered through the trees, and the air cooled as the light dimmed. Finally, finally....we reached Creek Junction.

And we made camp, right next to the river.

The river was ice cold and wonderful. We iced down our aching legs in the frigid water for several minutes before making dinner. Rice-A-Roni sounded less appealing the second day for some reason. Mostly, we were just tired. We didn't even wait for the sun to go down. We were in the tent, fast asleep, before 9:00 PM. Another exhausting, rewarding day down. One more day, 10 more miles, to go.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Happy Trails! Part One

I graduated from college a few weeks ago! All my final exams got scheduled for the first day of my exam week, and I work weekends, so I had about 5 days of free time to work with before my commencement ceremony. And I wanted to celebrate the end of my college years and the start of my adult life a little differently.

The moment I finished my tests, I packed up my backpack, hopped in my car, drove to Damascus, VA, pulled on my boots, and spent the next three days on the Appalachian Trail with my good friend Ducky!

Here's my account of the experience, in parts:


We arrived in Damascus and parked at the Mt. Rogers Outfitters Hostel on 3rd St. Met some really cool people there. We had not realized this, but this is the time of year that all the AT thru-hikers pass through southwestern VA.

These hikers, for those of you who don't know, start out on the Appalachian Trail at Springer Mountain in Georgia, usually in mid-March, and will walk all 2,100 miles of the AT to summit Mt. Katahdin in Maine sometime between July and September. They are the toughest of the tough. A few thousand people start the Appalachian Trail every year, and only a fraction of that finish the entire hike (about 1 in 4). By the time they reach VA, about half of the original hikers will have already dropped out. The hikers we met had just reached their 500 mile marker.

So this is why, when we arrived in Damascus, our primary company on the streets were other people wearing over-sized backpacks, bandanas, and hiking boots. We stood out like sore thumbs, having not yet acquired the rough and smelly ruggedness of these weathered hikers. We met a man at the hostel named Moose (not his real name. One cool thing about the AT is that everybody has a trail name. This allows everybody to maintain some level of anonymity, while also signifying the "other world" feeling of being on the trail.) Moose offered to shuttle us to our starting point at Fox Creek Horse Camp.

So that's how we ended up on the Appalachian Trail by 10:00 AM that first morning.

Almost instantly, we had our very first experience with "Trail Magic." 

"Trail Magic" is the term used on the trail that describes random acts of kindness and good vibes that occur on the trail via the generosity of strangers. It is one of the best parts of hiking the Appalachian Trail. Two minutes in, we saw this on the trail

Another hiker left a sack of oranges for other thru hikers to enjoy! "Trail Magic!"

Shortly after that, we came to our first shelter, Old Orchard Shelter. Shelters are these little huts built along the AT for hikers to camp at. They usually have a picnic table, a campfire ring, and occasionally a trail register notebook for people to write little journal entries in with their thoughts on the experience, weather conditions, updates on the trail, etc. We ate a quick snack here. And we found a copy of the Hunger Games that a nice thru-hiker left for people to read! "Trail Magic!"

We got moving again and the next cool spot we came to was our first grassy bald! Balds are big open fields on top of mountains that were primarily used for grazing livestock before the wilderness surrounding the Appalachian Trail became a national park. Most of the balds have begun to grow back up into forest, but due to the presence of wild ponies (yes, WILD ponies!) and some cattle that get herded through the area once a year several of them have managed to stay wide open and gorgeous. We ate lunch on some boulders and took in the view.

We hiked down from the bald into our first valley, and came to a sign. The AT is really well marked and taken care of. There are plenty of signs that help show you exactly how far you have walked, and how far you have to go. The sign told us we were an eighth of the way into our journey! Woohoo!

It was hot out, and we had gone through most of our water already. We each had a little less than half a liter of water left. But we knew from the map that we carried that there was a water source just a few miles away, so we were determined to get there and refill. Hydration is extremely important on the trail. Sure enough, we rounded a corner past a grove of rhododendron, and there it was! Water!

The water was running and crystal clear. We practiced using Ducky's new filter but we hardly needed it, the water was so clean. We used drops to purify it. Water gets tricky, because no matter how clean it looks, there's still a strong possibility that it is contaminated with bacteria like e.coli and viruses like the norovirus. None of these things are fun, so we used chlorine drops to bleach out the bad stuff. We each drank a liter a piece before we left the water source, filled both our bottles to the brim, added more drops, and then started off again. 

We hadn't taken more than 40 steps away from the water when we rounded another rhododendron grove and came face to face with...a longhorn bull. 

The guy was MASSIVE. And he couldn't have been more than 30 yards away. He was tagged, but there were no fences separating him and us (no fences at all for that matter that we'd seen). He looked right at us. I remember saying to Ducky "If he charges...just drop. Hope he only attacks our packs. I'm not outrunning this guy." Thankfully, he just lowered his head down. Clearly we were less interesting than grass. Phew! We walked on, a little more wary of our environment than before.

We started up our first major climb next. The mountain we were climbing wasn't named on my map, but it looked fearsome from where we stood.

We thought it was going to be intense, but it actually didn't take long at all. Before we knew it, we were at the top!

But it was not over yet. The peak behind Ducky and I in the picture above is where we were headed. We would have to climb down into another valley, and then back up onto the final ridge, where we planned to make camp for the night just on the other side of the peak. We had done approximately 9 of 14 miles at this point, and it was about 3 o'clock. We needed to make camp before dark, so we had about 5 hours to knock out the final 5 miles to Rhododendron Gap. Not too shabby.

Before we knew it, we were on top of that peak.

My finger is pointing to the spot where Ducky and I took the previous picture together. Kind of cool.

The trail register announced to us that we had officially entered the Grayson Highlands part of the trail. This is the region that is famous for the wild ponies, grassy balds, and spectacular views. It is often mentioned by thru-hikers as one of the best parts of the entire AT. Just as we were down from the peak, about a mile and a half from our camp spot, we saw them. PONIES!

This guy walked right up to me to see if I had any snacks for him. Sorry Charlie, got nothing for ya. I guess even though the ponies up there are technically wild, they are so used to day hikers and thru-hikers that they aren't very skittish. They will walk up to people and nibble around looking for food. When the pony realized I didn't have anything for him, he sauntered onwards. Once again, the wildlife deemed us less interesting than grass. 

But that was okay. At long last, we had found our campsite. The first day on the trail was done! We found a spot to cook away from our tent site (so as not to encourage bear visitors) that overlooked the whole valley north of us. It was breathtaking.

We cooked a dinner of lentils and rice in a small backpacking stove that I had brought. It cannot possibly be overstated how good food tastes after 14 miles of hiking in the hot sun. We finished up by brushing our teeth on top of a boulder watching the sun set. Then we packed up the food into a bear bag, hung it out of reach and away from our tent, did a little yoga to prevent muscle aches for the next day of hiking (17 miles!), and then hunkered down in our nice warm tent for the night. 

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

At The Intersection of Happy Valleys and Rainbows

Friends are a wonderful thing to have in life, and I don't think we spend enough time appreciating them.
A wise person once said that God gave us friends because we don't get to choose our families. Friends are the family we get to pick.

I turned 22 recently, and to kick off my 22nd year, I'd like to say a few thank yous:

Thank you to my daring and adventurous friend Nidi, who braved 2 feet of snow, icy temperatures, and over 200 miles of driving in 24 hours to go camping with me last weekend. You are a badass, and I am so happy to have you as an adventure buddy. More adventures in the future!

Thank you to my wonderful friends who rallied together to make my birthday special. I am thoroughly appreciative of the gifts, the warm wishes, the good times, (the good beer!), and for y'all being there for me when my family was not able to be. Thank you for tolerating my cooking and working with my schedule despite the delays brought on by the snow. You all rock, and I will never stop loving you and being thankful for having you in my life. 
Thank you to Emily and Evan, for the wonderful gift and for always being there. I love you guys so much! Thanks to Danielle, for driving all the way up to see me on her days off work. Thanks to Kelly, my wonderful roommate, for helping me learn how to cook real food and being the best roommate ever! Thanks to Brian, for being an awesome friend who's always there for me and always down to bojangle*!

 My first grown up dinner. Ina Garten's perfectly roasted chicken!
 ...and for dessert, fresh ripe pineapple soaked in coconut rum!

Thanks to Gill and Grace, for being extra awesome and tromping through the ice and snow to hike a frozen Crabtree Falls with me on my day off.

Enjoying victory cookies at the icy summit

Thank you to all the friends who couldn't be with me for my birthday, but still took a moment to reach out across the distances and extend a little love my way. I hope you feel the love I'm sending back at you!

Thank you to Ducky, for always being down for whatever adventure I throw her way, and for being just fun to be around in general! I am never bored when I'm hanging out with you. Thanks for that sweet bike ride in the brief glimpse of spring weather we saw just a few days ago. And thanks for always looking out for me, Mama Duck!

Oh and thanks for the idea for the title of this blog post!

Finally, if not most importantly, thank you to my family. I was sad I couldn't be near you on my birthday, but I felt you there in spirit! Thank you for the wonderful gifts and the lovely pre-birthday celebration, and for everything you have done for me over the last 22 years. Rest assured I was well taken care of while you were away, despite missing you dearly!

You all make me stronger!

*Definition - bojangle: to intentionally divert from the original plan/trail with the goal of doing something awesome, crazy, and likely somewhat dangerous; side effects may include minor wounds and emotional scarring, amazing pictures, and great stories.