So now that I'm really in this, and walking bigger miles to boot, my body is starting to, well, freak out. It does not understand why I keep walking instead of feeding myself all the time. Me and my body exchange somewhat unpleasant pleasantries every day (I'm not crazy, right?), and basically, here's how our daily conversations go:
Brain: Time to wake up and hike!
Body: NO. If you get out of this sleeping bag and take even one step, you will drop dead on the spot.
Brain: Nah, c'mon! It'll be fun!
Body: It won''ll see...
Body: I'm hungry, you'd better feed me right now or I will punish you.
Brain: Seriously?? I just fed you 20 minutes ago! We've barely walked a mile, you can wait.
Body: I don't think you understand. You have to feed me NOW.
Brain: But I wanna hike!!
Body: If you don't feed me this minute bad things will happen. Do you not hear that growling in our stomach?
Brain: OK fine...jeez...
[even later]
Body: Are we done walking yet? You've only fed me 2,000 calories today, and that's not nearly enough for what you're making me do here.
Brain: I'm sorry, but that's all I can carry! You know that!
Body: If you would stop walking this wouldn't be a problem.
Brain: It's not so bad. At least it's pretty out here, right?
Body: Pretty doesn't have calories. Seriously when are we stopping.
Brain: The sun won't go down for another 3 hours, we can get in at least 6 more miles.
Body: Oh my god, you ARE trying to kill me.
Brain: What if I make a double serving of mac and cheese with bacon bits for dinner? Will that help?
Body: Look, I appreciate the effort, but that's STILL not enough.
Yeah, that's how me and my body talk to each other. Not super friendly right now. But this morning it was different. This morning my body knew there was real food nearby. It could sense it. And it took over the controls in a last ditch effort to get some adequate nourishment.
It dragged my sleepy butt out of bed at 5 AM and hiked 3 miles per hour (20 minutes per mile, faster than I've ever moved out here) all the way down the mountain until the McDonald's was in sight. And then...the feast! I kid you not folks, I consumed more than 2,500 calories in less than an hour. AND I WAS NOT FULL. I STILL ATE MORE.
It's official. My body does not trust my brain to feed it anymore. It has installed an "override all controls" switch, and it is not afraid to use it when necessary. Basically anytime I'm near town food. It sounds kinda scary, but this is probably for the best. My body is definitely not gonna let me starve out here!
Full post coming this weekend to recap the week's events!
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